Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burgers and Beer

I purchased a pound of bacon and bleu cheese beef burger from Whole Foods a few days ago and cooked it up on the stovetop  tonight. Victory puts out a very high quality beer and I'm glad to see that they are from PA. Their Headwaters Pale Ale has been a favorite of mine for the past four days. Tonight marked the end of those beers. Luckily some of it made its way in the pan of bubbling beer burger.

On a fishing note, I talked to my old boss, josh, who was working a nice rainbow on the Fall River in Oregon. He was nymphing caddis larvae on a long upstream cast with no luck. From research the Fall stream that a good angler will get skunked at. This stream feed stream is located about 23 miles south of Bend, Oregon and is 5 minutes from josh's house. My story was about yesterdays run to Bear Run, while his was about pulling 15' 'bows from a stream that "is as clear as an aquarium". He watched that fish move to eat while we were on the phone and asked for advice. My first thought was if he had an indicator on. no. Well my only advice was to try harder. He said they had BWO's hatching all winter. Well, I'm thinking that this day next year I should be fishing the Fall River in Oregon. cheers, josh.


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